By Samast Patidar Samaj Trust Mrs. M.M. In Kheni Bhavan, the facility of reading room (library) has been created for the needy students of all castes without any caste distinction. This best reading room in Katargam area has both AC and non-AC reading rooms. This library has all kinds of modern facilities. For which students have to pay a very low fee. Here students study in a quiet environment from early morning 5:00 am to 11 pm.
Venue- Smt. MM Kheni Bhavan, Ambatlavadi, Katargam, Surat, managed by Samast Patidar Samaj Trust.
Contact Mobile Number:- Office ( 6356470356 )
A survey of students who have studied by reading in the library has been conducted since 2010. If you have read in this library then please cooperate by filling the details in this Past Library Student Registration Form